A short story about me

Greetings and welcome to my page! I am thrilled to have you here, and I hope you find the content engaging and enjoyable. This space is dedicated to sharing insights, stories, and experiences that resonate with you. Whether you're looking for inspiration, information, or just a moment of escape, I aim to provide something meaningful. Feel free to explore, leave your thoughts, and connect with me. Your presence here adds value, and I appreciate your support. Let's embark on this journey together, and I look forward to sharing more adventures with you. Thank you for stopping by!

My name is Kure Eluney Atreu and I am your esoteric astrologer with knowledges in numerology,tarot and cabalistic elements.I started my studies in Italy than expanded to Germany and America.I was skeptical about learning astrology, my life was already full at the time but as soon as I had my first psychological astrology class I understood that even though I am an esoteric master in my community I knew nothing, I had no idea that I would discover these secrets that astrology has for us.The great thinkers and leaders of the world before us knew this and they have written books and applied studies and yet I did not knew about them, it is true that the best kept secret is the one you show and they showed it to us.

Astrology is constantly changing, new planets are found we are now waiting for a new one and also the 13th sign which we astrologers already incorporate in our readings.I have learned also the old astrological method to calculate a birth chart with ephemeris and sometimes I use the 13 months calendar, I am taking all the best from what I have learned to help you find your life path and purpose.I am also incorporating if needed epigenetics and transgenerational traumas that we have from our ancestors.We feel lost most of the time, I was lost too before discovering the influence of the planets in my life.I started to associate them with the persons around me, I have a Saturn which is called the The Great Evil and she lives in Rome and a Jupiter which is The Great Benefic in Germany.These two planets are interchangeable, sometimes the great evil becomes the best you ever had and viceversa.I love all the planets but Saturn is by far my favorite.

Astrology changed my beliefs, I do not believe in free will anymore, I know that we are all born with our celestial passport which is the birth chart and that is your destiny.Even when you make a choice and you have the feeling that you had the power to decide you did not, you have just token the decision you had to take so you can achieve your destiny.So stop blaming yourself for the decisions you made in the past, blame the planets.

I am also a religious person I pray before analyzing every birth chart even though my mostly clients have other religions I pray that they live a happy life by becoming the alchemists of the lessons that we receive.The church is not against astrology nor is the Vatican as you may think,some of our popes were excellent astrologers and you can still find in the old churches the astrological signs painted on the walls or the planets.I know there is a greater force above us that commands everything, as Jung also said I do not need to believe, I know.

When I was small I have always said that I want to help everybody and my family interpreted this by thinking I would become a doctor and I did not, life had other plans for me, now I am a soul doctor and I am grateful that the universe has opened this path for me.

I can not wait to work with you,ask me anything, together we will find the answers.

So this is a part of who I am and I wish you all the best may you live happy, remember that life is beautiful.Viva la vida!

Your astrologer,

Kure Eluney Atreu